
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jr. High Week

Jr. High week was up next! The Lord blessed us with a lot of extra help that week and so the Cravens asked me to be the videographer/photographer for the week!! This was a very fun opportunity and I really enjoyed being able to be so involved in all the activities for the campers that week. Daniel began his first week as a stretcher and shared a cabin with 4 other stretcher guys and a counselor. He was on a different schedule so we saw little of each other, other than mealtimes and occasionally when the stretcher guys were required to help with games and activities. It was another very good but busy week with the same activities and schedule as Sr. High Week!
 Morning session with Mr. Craven speaking on wisdom.....
 Emma's cabin ready for a great day!
Lining up for flag raising and breakfast!
 Campers raising the American flag....
 Angela's cabin enjoying one of our many delicious meals....
 Daniel and Dakota Craven having fun at the stretchers' table....
 A game of human stratego out in the woods.;) This was a new game and the campers really enjoyed it!
 Listening to Jonathan, the game guy, explain the rules for WaterBoy....
 "Don't worry the water's warm and you don't get very wet."-Mr. Craven ;)
 Slingshot Baseball, a game that required some stretching time for the stretchers!;) The guys holding the slingshot are all stretchers except for the guy on the left in the blue hoodie-Jake who was their counselor.
 BigBall Volleyball.
"Nurse" and Zoey playing music during some free time...
 Our kitchen staff and stretcher girls....
 Devotional time...
 Nathanael took his cabin out to the big tires for devotions here...
 The campers studied the life of Joseph over the week and how God was working all things in His life together for good.
 Some of the NAVY guys competing in archery against a ARMY girls' cabin. Competition is a big part of the program here. Some benefits to having it in the program are that it helps build character, promotes cabin unity, and gives the campers something to work towards. All week the campers are involved in games and challenges, and Bible memorization goals, in which they have opportunity to win points for their team.
 Emma, Mr. Thompson (the Cravens Grandpa) and I playing Brethren We Have Met To Worship as a special....
Another challenge....a bake-off in which the campers could only choose and mix ingredients by sight and smell-no tasting or communicating was allowed.
We were really grateful for another eventful week! Only the Lord knows what things were happening in the campers hearts and how He was working. It is our job to leave that up to Him and faithfully love and serve people by telling them the truth. Do we trust His sovereignty to save those He loves more than you or I ever could? How grateful we should be as we recognize God doesn't need us, but He chooses to work in and though our lives because He loves us...and because He wants to, for His own glory!!
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
                                                                                                                            Ephesians 2:8-10


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you got to be photographer for the week. It sounds like the perfect job for you! I love seeing all the pictures and reading your updates. It seems like forever since I last saw you, so it's wonderful to see what you have been up to. Thanks for the email as well!! Things have been really busy with me lately. I helped in the VBS at Lorna's church all last week, and this week we are doing a CEF 5-day club at our house. We're not really supposed to tech unless we have been to their training conference, so the Tang girls will be doing that. We're minly just hosting it. So pray, pray for lots of kids to come! Praying for you today! Love, Emily

  2. Ashley,
    We were so happy to come home and read your post. I am always encouraged by what you share about what the Lord has been teaching you. So excited to see you soon .XXOO MOM and family

  3. Thanks again sister. :)
    Glad you had fun.
