
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Safe In Alaska!:D

Thank you for your prayers -we have made it to Alaska safe and sound! We got in Friday morning nice and early, around 2 am and the light was just coming out.;) It snowed this past weekend which was a fun surprise! We really enjoyed getting to know the Buckingham family, who graciously opened their home to us. Jacob Berlin picked us up from the airport and of course we enjoyed visiting with Jerusalem and him in the car before they dropped us off at the Buckingham's. We stayed with them for about 5 days   It was a great way to start off the summer- with encouraging fellowship.:)
 Waiting for our first flight-which Daniel really, really enjoyed and we were all really tired upon arrival!;)
 Their family is such a neat example of true fellowship and Christian love. They have a very large family-which made us  feel quite at home and we had a wonderful time! We stayed with them until Tuesday evening~
 Jerusalem had me over for lunch on Monday afternoon and to spend time visitng!:) We had a lovely time and it flew by too fast.;)
The boys really enjoyed meeting Jerusalem's brothers and they had a great time together.:) (Top to bottom: Daniel Buckingham, Daniel Sebo, Noah, Jonathan, Job and Ryan) Just after they posed for this picture one of the boys suggested they try to walk across the room like that, working together. It was pretty funny to watch and they did a decent job, making some progress before the "tower started crumbling."
 Hosanna( one of the daughters in the family) bunked with me, which makes her quite the heroine!;) She blessed me greatly with her fellowship and I'm so glad we had the time to get to know each other better!!:) I was so encouraged by her love for the Lord and honesty about her walk with Him-a characteristic of the family's spirit as well.

Our time went very well there at their home but, Tuesday night came fast! We had a misunderstanding somewhere between the staff at Higher Ground and myself and we were planning to be picked up Monday night at ANC. Just before leaving for the airport Hosanna suggested I call to make sure it was for sure. When I talked to the staff they explained it was Tuesday night, not Monday. We were happy but somewhat embarrassed as the whole family had said their goodbyes and helped us get packed back up. They were very gracious when we came back that evening and they had a lot of fun teasing us till Tuesday evening about it all. We were all glad for the extra day and were sad to say goodbye "for real.";)

Last night we got into Higher Ground Baptist Bible Camp. It was a long drive but the scenery was absolutely worth it! I got some pictures but there's no way to really capture the beauty and majesty of all that God has created here. I'd like to share pictures with you of some of it but, right now blogger is not working for me. I will try to get them up soon!:) For now, thank you for your patience and prayers. I'll try to get this updated sooner next time!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world."

                                                                                                                  Psalm 19:1-4


  1. It looks like you had a very nice time at the Buckingham's house. I'm glad that you all had a safe trip to Alaska!

    I hope that you have a wonderful summer. I love you, Ashley!

  2. Wow, so good to kind of hear how you have been! I've been thinking about you a lot lately... I hope all is going well! Please feel free to share more when you get the chance. ;) Looks like you had a great time with the Buckinghams - so glad that you got to do that. I miss you a lot! I will be praying for you. Love you!

  3. Mom likes the pyramid of guys. Thanks for sharing pictures. I have some for you. I will send you the link.
