
Monday, July 1, 2013

Staff Training Week

 Staff training week started EARLY Monday morning. We had full days filled with, activites, counseling sessions, program preparation, prayer meetings, music practice, running through skits and preparing for the weeks to follow.:)
 Coffee is a good friend to many of the staff members on mornings around here.....:)
 The guys enjoying a breakfast with Yukon C.-such a cute little man!
 One of the days, Mr. Craven had us practice meals as they are done during camp-family style. The George and Craven children helped Janice in the kitchen at different meals, and did a great job. Here we had Sierra C. and Isaiah G. waitressing.
 Post-breakfast for kitchen workers.....
 Dakota C. washing dishes.....
 Counseling session time.....These were really good. Mr. Craven really explained in depth that counseling is nothing more than Biblical instruction and the need for it comes because man has a problem with his heart. That problem is sin and it can only be fixed through the work of the Holy Spirit in one's heart convicting them of their need. He reminded and encouraged us that as counselors we will not be able to do anything to make the campers see their need-that is the Lord's work. We can however, be open and ready as a vessel to be used of Him (if He so chooses) to change hearts and lives for His glory. This is the real reason for our salvation-ultimately that it brings HIM glory. Mr. Craven reminded us that God doesn't need any one of us to spread His gospel but He chooses to work in and through us because He loves us! The camp's goal and heart is simply that God would use them to change hearts-for His glory.
 Choir practice after dinner....
 We were a little short on tenors but had plenty of basses.....:D
 Enjoying some free time before a session.....:D
 I really appreciate Mr. Craven's heart of on ministry. He really challenged us to be a part of the team, be involved and required us all to be doing whatever was on the schedule. He really helped us to see the need for putting our selfish choices aside and doing whatever it would take to be an example to the campers and fellow staff members. This particular session he encouraged us to make sure we were right with the Lord in our hearts and to look for personal areas to grow in this summer. It was a really good time of examination before the Lord and encouragement as we shared with one another about those areas.
 Picnic lunch on Wednesday.....
Looking at a map of the camp property.....
 To get us familiar with the hiking trails here on the property-Mr. Craven took us on a hike that covered a little bit of  each of the trails.
 The scenery was so beautiful but in the wooded areas we were fighting mosquitoes....:P
 Mr. Craven explaining archery and slingshot procedures.....

 Some of the lovely scenery.....
 Hannah and I: I learned on this hike a wonderful reason to have long hair and wear it down-it makes a perfect mosquitoe net for your neck and ears!!
 The rest of our group......
 Eating lunch at the "picnic spot"
 Missy, Meridith and Monica enjoyed the view and ate by the tree stumps overlooking the tree tops.:)
 Eating lunch outside in Alaska you need to have a free hand to fight the mosquitoes!
 Janice eating with the Craven and George children-they all really love her and it's cute to watch them interact.
 Adorable way to wear a mosquito net!;)
 We've really enjoyed getting to have family moments in the busyness of life, here at camp these days.:)
 More fun times with Susie! The boys and I really enjoy spending time with her and she and Daniel can really have fun together in their "battle of wits" conversations!!
 A picture of us siblings-it was supposed to have more scenery in the background to show the view but you can sorta see it behind Daniel.:)
We took a short-cut back to camp......
 The wildflowers of Alaska are coming up and it's a very exciting thing to see them budding and growing fast! Creation really does shout forth our Creator's wonder and beauty!! This is a wild Alaskan rose with some bees....;)
 Lovely lavender Iris.......

 After the hike and picnic lunch it was time for water-boy.....
 The ladies ready to play.:) We aren't crazy about the game but, part of showing an example to those around us is being willing to participate regardless of our skills, winning, or preference. Mr. Craven constantly reminds us that that sports show character in us and where we are lacking.;)
 The kids testing out the water-it is cold, even when the sun is out!:P
 Waiting for everyone to start the game....
 Mr. Craven explaining the rules and reminding us that whether on or off the ball field our conduct reflects what's in our hearts.
 Opposing teams have two barrels-one for refilling that team's water and another to guard. Both teams are trying to fill the opposing teams barrel with the most water before time is up. Everyone is allowed one pitcher at a time and the goal is to get your pitcher dumped into the other team's barrel. Once you cross into the other team's territory they will try to wet you in order to get you out. If they hit you with their water then you are required to throw your water back at them. Then it's running back to the refill barrel to get more water and try again.
 Monica got her pitcher in!!
 Guarding our barrel from the opposing team's attempts to pour their pitchers in!
 Ryan guarding his team's barrel as Peter dashes away from his failed attempt!
Another pitcher in for Missy! She and her husband got in just before staff training....
We had 5 mins left and so our team charged and got in a good amount of water to the other team's surprise!:)
 Wet, cold and ready to change! We did have fun though...;)
Skit practice....
 Dr. Office Skit...
 Daniel lost it here!
 Music practice for "specials"....
 CPR and First Aid class Thursday morning.....
 Child CPR....
 Practicing using the AED....
 Compressions, breaths, compressions, breaths....
Friday was make-your-own-pizza!
This was a fun dinner!
Working on  crusts....
 Ryan did a good job with his pizza it was really yummy and lovely looking...
 Janice baked them for us....
 Hannah, Susie and I with our completed pizzas! :D
 Ryan, Daniel, Gideon G. and Laredo C. ready to eat.....
Choir practice with fellow altos.....
 Evening service.....
 Susie took my camera with her on a short hike to a nearby lake.....
 She got some good pictures!
 There are a lot of fields like this here in Sterling and the wildflowers are popping up. The fireweed is growing, barely budding!!!!!:D
 And of course you can't have Alaska without forget-me-nots!!;) These are growing next to the side of the lodge and are still quite small but very fun to photograph.
 Saturday trip to town after final clean-up!!
 Fred Meyer shopping with Hannah, Ashley and Monica!
 Waiting for our ride-it felt a little funny to be sitting in front of the store...:P
 Coffee at the famous Kaladi Brother's Coffee shop....I hear it's really good.:)
Well, it's hard to believe that Sr. High camp starts tomorrow already! We are tired, but excited to see how the Lord will work. Monica, Meridith, Hannah and Susie will be counseling this week. Ashley, Missy and I will be helping in the kitchen and Zoey Cromwell is back too.
 Ryan will be working on camp projects and Daniel will be a camper. Keep us in your prayers this week-it's going to be really early mornings and late nights. We know we are going to be exhausted by the end of the week-we have been warned-but if just one camper's life is changed for eternity-then it will be so worth it and ultimately bring God the glory He deserves!!

 "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.  And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.   And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence."
                                                                                                                  Colossians 1:15-18


  1. Glad to see more pictures of you and the guys. Looks like you're getting some sun. I like your photos of the flowers, especially the "Forget Him Nots" as we affectionately call them:)Looking forward to more posts. Love Mom

  2. So great to read an update of what's going on with you!! It reminds me a lot of what we did at Kako. :) I just got back on Monday, so I'm still getting back into the swing of things! I hope to get an email to you really soon! I hope you don't mind the delay. I can't wait to tell you all about what God did! I'd almost rather tell you in person, but I can email it too. :)

    I like the pictures very much! The water fight looked fun and COLD, too! Definltey feel you pain as far as mosquitos go - they can be vicious! And the forget-me-nots are beautiful. That's the cabin that I was in at Kako both weeks. :)

    I will be praying for strength for you as you go into these next few weeks of camps. God is going to work mightily - sometimes when you least expect it! I love you and miss you!

  3. I like the picture of Daniel laughing.


